Advocated on behalf of non-porift dedicated to consumer debt relief in legislative and Attorney General's office rulemaking to ensure continued access of beneficial consumer tools to manage and reduce debt.

Managed lengthy regulatory and rulemaking process to implement Family and Medical Leave Insurance ballot initiative to protect clients interests.

Utilized strong network of local governments, advocacy groups, and relationships with Colorado Department of Transportation to amend or defeat multiple legislative initiatives detrimental to toll road operation.

Advocacy on behalf of digital currency transaction provider.

Supported successful passage of suite of policy proposals supporting vehicle electrification including tax credit extension and infrastructure build-out for Global Automakers.

Pass Temporary License Plate Legislation, E-470 Public Highway Authority, ensuring accurate and full toll collection.

Led top public high school non-profit foundation, raising nearly $1 Million for education, faculty and student scholarship support.

Served as Philanthropy and fundraising director for national non-profit devoted to providing safe travel for medically and imunocompromised children.

Coordinated extensive stakeholder process, produced legislation, obtained bill sponsors and managed the legislative process leading to passage and signing of the SB-16-90, expected to produce $10-12 million in additional revenue per year.

Amended and ensured use of protective language allowing use of toll collection cameras in all versions of Red Light Camera legislation.

Increase Penalty for Theft of Commodity Metals Legislation, Union Pacific Railroad.

Passed of legislation important to the safety and operations of the Railroad by working with a broad stakeholder group which included multiple law enforcement entities, utilities, and local governments.

Relationship management, Colorado Department of Higher Education Bridgepoint Education.

Established and maintain positive relationships with Colorado Department of Higher Education, touted by client as the model to be achieved in all 50 states.

Ensured positive outcome of regulatory and statutory revisions concerning the scientific donation of cadavers.

Department/industry regulatory realignment, Bridgepoint Education.

Managed extensive regulatory ‘sunset review’ process to achieve inclusion of client-desired language in the legislation, SB-12-164.

Fundraising and event planning for numerous non-profit organizations and business associations.

Managed membership organizations, including developing and implementing strategic political initiatives.

Assisted Colorado Virtual Academy in legislative and regulatory environments.

Legislative relations, crisis communications, media relations and internal communications for statewide online K-12 charter school.